Full Moon in Gemini
Hello everyone, and happy new moon!
Welcome to Moon Moments, and thank you for being here. This is a program where we gather every two weeks, on the new and full moons. Each new moon is a time for invitation, longing, intention-setting, and introspection; and full moons are times for gratitude, celebration, connection, and reflection. In the dark of a new moon, we plant seeds that grow for six months and culminate with a bright full moon in the same astrological sign, which then wanes for six months until it empties and returns to a new moon in that sign, and the cycle begins again.
Today’s full moon is in the airy astrological sign of Gemini.
We are on the unceded traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe, ‘the people of the inside’. As we take this time to connect with the earth, let us honor with gratitude the past, present, and future Duwamish people, who are the family of this land. This land offers us so much; may we offer back to the land and their Duwamish kin through this time together, through what we nurture in and between us, and through what we do with what we receive from this time. We hold deep thanks and deep intention for justice for the Duwamish people in this space.
The area of the body associated with Gemini includes the lungs, hands, shoulders, and arms. For today’s Moment of Arrival, let’s do some slow wrist, elbow, shoulder, and arm circles while listening to Wind Frequencies by Dianna Lopez.
Gemini is a sign of duality, of twos, and so it is especially in need of balance. To keep our bodies balanced and healthy, it matters to do the same number of exercises on both sides of the body.
As you stretch, perhaps consider what in your life might be getting lopsided, with attention and energy given to one side while the other is neglected.
Let’s also take this time to shake out our wiggles. We will spend some time slowing down, which always requires that we first discharge agitated energy — especially under a full moon in a buzzing, frenetic sign like Gemini.
As one of the signs that has a symbol consisting of two parts, Gemini’s journey of maturing involves learning balance — especially with contradicting or ambivalent parts within the self.
One of the body parts in the area that Gemini rules are the lungs, so breath is a particularly helpful tool when working with lunations in this sign. Today we’ll do some breath prayer, which is a simple, adaptable, and always-accessible form of prayer in which a word, phrase, or first half of a sentence is spoken or thought during the inhale and a related word, phrase, or second half of a sentence is used during the exhale. This can be done with words written by someone else or with whatever words you think of in the moment. The in-and-out cycle of breath can help us to engage the theme of balance not just with our minds but by actually feeling our way into it.
Some examples of balance that Gemini needs are: invitation and release; being together and being alone; activity and rest; expression and introspection.
I will offer now a few pairs of words and phrases that you may use during our breath prayer time if they resonate, however you are also welcome to find your own words.
I invite / I release
I gain knowledge / I share knowledge
I speak / I listen
I am grateful for community / I will not forget myself
May vitality flourish / May slowness
My expression enlivens / My introspection sustains
Spirit of life / you flow through us
I thankfully receive / I generously offer
May I be well / May you be well
It is good to move quickly / It is good to slow down
Follow your instinct; you can move through a handful of breath prayers or sit with one the whole time. These words can be offered to the Divine, to yourself, to ancestors, to each other, to Life — whatever feels aligned for you in this moment. There is no right or wrong way.
I’ll give us five minutes to independently practice some breath prayers either in your mind our quietly under your breath, then I will invite us back for our next practice. I will light some lavender incense to companion us as we bridge air and body.
Gemini is a chatty and busy sign, sometimes too busy for its own good. At this point, when the moon — which represents the body — is full and in Gemini, it’s a good time to bring some rest into the mix. The social and mental nature of this sign is a strength, but in order to let these gifts be sustainable this sign needs to learn to slow down sometimes, to return to the body and to the self. An intentional practice of restful centering doesn’t come naturally for Gemini, but it is a powerful rhythm that elevates the sign’s natural strength.
Gemini is always having interesting conversations and making connections with others. And yet an essential connection that also needs tending is our conversation with our bodies. As we move through the world and navigate the thoughts, experiences, and sensations that arise, it is easy to engage our experience as a thing, an object to sort out or curate. This makes us prone to keep flitting about and less able to return to our grounding, solid center.
Today, I invite you to spend some time addressing your body in the second person — not thinking about the body but rather speaking to the body. In your mind or quietly under your breath, say hello to your body. Start a conversation, if you’d like; you could tell your body what’s been on your mind, ask your body questions, and/or move around in whatever ways feel good and connective. Maybe your body will respond to you, or maybe you will simply spend this time offering compassionate presence and caring words. Maybe a well of abundance, peace, and wholeness will spring up, or maybe your time will look more like sweetly comforting whatever pains or sorrows float to the surface. Whatever happens is okay; however you want to engage is okay.
Let’s take five to ten minutes for this. I will invite us back at the end. I recommend closing your eyes, if you feel comfortable, as this can deepen our awareness of physical sensations and our presence with the body.
As we slowly return from communing with our bodies, you can start to gently come back by wiggling your toes, wiggling your fingers. Stretch your neck, rolls your shoulders, sway a bit to loosen up after stillness… whatever feels good and easeful. When you’re ready, you can flutter your eyes open and look around the room, especially behind you. Maybe take a deep breath in and out to mark your return to our shared space.
Please pull out a notebook and pen, your phone notes app, or whatever you want to journal with.
I invite us to write to ourselves about this question: What is it time to be honest with yourself about?
I will give you five to ten minutes to write to yourself about this before calling us back for our next activity.
With construction paper and markers, or simple pen and paper, take a few minutes to write down the dualities that you hold within you in this season. Paradoxes, ambivalences, oppositions… any feelings, traits, experiences, or what have you that come to mind.
Once you’ve done this, use scissors to cut or hands to tear out each word or phrase. On a new piece of paper, use glue to paste the words in a new arrangement then use marker or pen to draw connections and relationships between them.
After about ten minutes, I will call us back for our last activity.
One simple nugget of wisdom that Gemini teaches us is that it is good to talk with friends. It is good to share ideas, knowledge, and curiosities.
So, take a minute to reflect on the following questions, then we’ll go around and share: What is something you’ve learned lately? What is something you’re grateful for? What have you changed your mind about?
Thank you so very much for being here tonight. Intentional practice in community is powerful, and I hope that it has served you as much as it has nourished me.
Our next gathering will be on Monday, December 30th for the new moon in Capricorn. I’d love to see you there if you can make it!
Blessings on your week, especially with Saturday’s winter Solstice. May it be a time of release and renewal as we transition from the sun’s movement away to its return. See you next week!