I Will Let You See Me Change

Hello, loves. I have been in a season of reflecting and hibernating, so this blog has been very quiet recently. In the midst of this radio silence, I am popping in to share an update and reveal that I am, in fact, a real human and not a brand. My name is Nicole.

I have decided to make Moon Moments private during the cold months, as I am now hosting them in my home with my friends. The full scripts are still being posted on my website so that everyone can enjoy the rituals and practices.

Part of me wanted to keep this quiet, to silently shift without naming it, because to pivot felt like failure. We really only learn as we go, so why has this felt so embarrassing?

It is hard to allow a pivot to be witnessed, no matter how aligned it feels. Many things that require wisdom and discernment are seen as weakness or failure in this culture; it’s disorienting and blocks us from our unfolding. In a culture marked by hyper-productivity and consumption, we are led to feel as though we ought to be products rather than living beings.

To truly offer oneself fully and generously is an act of vulnerability — and not just one act, but many.

I don’t have a perfect plan. We can’t know the path until we walk it, until we make it. I’m growing this work slowly, playfully, and reflectively. My dream is to help people learn to recognize the voice of their intuition so that we all can live more whole and aligned. That requires me to embody this first, even when it means shifting away from what I’ve been told is The Right Way To Do Things. Living and working in this way doesn’t make great business sense, but I am nonetheless committed to being as integrated as possible so that I can offer as deeply as possible.

Writing about this is making me feel more unstuck than I have in weeks. Authenticity is freeing. Empowering. To live fully in What Is, rather than clinging to the illusion of What (we think) Should Be, can allow us to come alive in all the ways that we thought would be lost through that very release.

If you really would like to attend a Moon Moment during these cold months, you may email me and I will send you my address. Having your presence in the mix would be a lovely gift at these gatherings.

I’m excited about what’s brewing in and beyond these events, especially my growing love of giving tarot readings. My books are open for scheduling private sessions with me! This practice is creative, intimate, and encouraging — I adore sharing this special space with people. Will I do it forever? Who knows! We’re all just testing things out and seeing what grows.

Thank you for being on the journey with me so that I can be on the journey with you. It’s a gift and an honor.

Many blessings to you as you navigate this time when the earth slows down yet our activities ramp up. May you listen to the guidance of your body and spirit as they tell you — quietly or loudly — what they need. And may beautiful surprises come from trusting their lead.

TL;DR: I will let you see me changing.

Lots of love,



What It Actually Looks Like


Let It Get To You