Lunar Rituals
Here you can access full scripts from our Moon Moment gatherings. Those who live far away, are unable to attend a session, want to bring these rituals to their own communities, or prefer to practice in private will be able to access full scripts posted the day of each new and full moon. Eventually we will have a library full of rituals, practices, and reflections for the new and full moon in each astrological sign!
These gatherings are special and I am glad to be able to share them here as well. Engage with the scripts however you like (I trust you!), but I highly suggest practicing them outdoors and with others. Perhaps you will find the company of land and community as impactful as I have. May these scripts offer you nourishment and support throughout the ebbs and flows of life!
Full Moon in Cancer
Gratitude can be a balm. It gently pulls us back into the natural cycle of give and take; it is a way that we can dip our toe in those waters whenever it occurs to us.
New Moon in Capricorn
In this moment between the winter solstice and the turning of the Gregorian calendar — two solar new years — the new moon in Capricorn gives us a moment to set intentions for our next journey through the cycle of the seasons.
Full Moon in Gemini
An intentional practice of restful centering doesn’t come naturally for Gemini, but it is a powerful rhythm that elevates the sign’s natural strength.
New Moon in Sagittarius
If everything is change, and we’ve grieved change that’s happened against our will, how will we now lean into change? Knowing now that life inevitably shifts and moves, if you could choose some of those changes what would you do?
Full Moon in Taurus
What foundation will sustain us not only with basic needs but also with joy? What stones will we lay down in mighty layers? What practices, people, and pleasures keep us going? How do you rest? What efforts are you determined to continue, and why? What is it that you want to be rooted in?
New Moon in Scorpio
As we dive into our depths, release with its ebbing and invite what we want to receive when it rises – how will we lean into connection instead of focusing solely on our own wellbeing?